An East Williston elementary school has transformed an old computer lab into an innovation lab.

Northside Elementary School now has a hands-on learning experience using tools such as aeroponics gardens and 3D printers.

The idea began three years ago when every student had a device and no longer needed to come down to the computer lab to access technology, according to Ed Kemnitzer, the director of Innovation and Technology.

It has become a space where children can be innovative and create. There are recycled materials that come together to unveil a science lesson.

“They did learn about angular momentum, mass and measurement, but more importantly, they did learn about the process,” says Henry Kupstas, an Innovation Lab teacher.

The goal of the space is to set students up for success as they make their way through the district.

School officials say they want students to leave with more questions than they came with and carry the passion with them.